Balmoral HexDefence™

0 Reviews

The innovative scour protection system that can help reduce costs and carbon footprint in offshore wind turbine operations

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Fixed wind turbine scour protection typically involves the installation of a layer of material around the base of the monopile to prevent sediment erosion. This can be made of various materials including rock, concrete or a specially designed geotextile fabric. The layer is placed on the seabed around the monopile to dissipate the energy of the fluid flow and reduce erosion rates.

These measures need to be carefully monitored to avoid damage to the turbine, seabed and any associated cabling. The costs involved in this process, along with the carbon footprint implicated with extra quarrying and vessel time for installation, is significant.

To resolve these issues Balmoral developed Balmoral HexDefence™, a unique scour protection system that integrates seabed protection and flow reduction to reduce offshore operational costs and potential cable failure.

The globally patented system eliminates the requirement to dump rock, instead providing a non-invasive approach to protecting the monopile structure and the immediate surrounding area.

The lightweight GRP construction and streamlined installation method makes it easy to install without the need for additional vessels resulting in an improved carbon footprint for all operations.

Pros & Limitations
Low cost high impact system
Reduces accelerated and turbulent flow, improving fatigue life of cables
Minimizes carbon footprint
Ease of installation
Lightweight composites panels interlock for rigidity and connection
Eliminates excessive rock operations
Can be retrofitted
Suitable for anti-fouling coatings
Ease of end of life recovery
Potential production backlog
Specification Title Specification Description
Lightweight advanced composites
Panel sized to suit monopile diameters and lengths around 10m
Interlocking geometry for ease of installation
Externally profiled flanging to aid rigidity and component connection
Integrated lifting and access points
Antifouling coatings
Estimated weight
2800 kgf in air; 925 kgf in water


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Serving the offshore oil & gas and renewables sectors, Balmoral is the acknowledged market innovator for buoyancy, protection and insulation product solutions. Our product range includes drilling and distributed riser buoyancy, thermal insulation, cable protection, bend restrictors, stiffeners and riser protection guards. The company’s purpose-built production facilities, subsea test centre, R&D, experienced HSE, engineering and commercial departments all play their part in delivering safe and successful projects on a global basis.

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