Air Edge

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Reducing the impact of extreme weather conditions on wind turbines

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Ogab®'s innovative system works by utilising custom-designed air nozzles and pipes across the wind turbine blades to create a protective layer of air over the blade's surface. This sheet of air creates a cushioning effect. The protective air layer can help protect the blades from leading edge erosion and surface damage caused by abrasive elements and harsh weather conditions such as hail, snow, and rain.

Air Edge not only protects against erosion, it also helps to prolong the lifespan of the blades and reduce costly maintenance and downtime. As an additional function, the technology is able to provide an on demand warm airflow through the pipes and nozzles. This can be deployed to help the blades to maintain temperature and prevent the turbine from freezing and shutting down in extreme weather conditions.

Pros & Limitations
Wind turbine blade protection from the outside elements
A solution to preventing wind turbines freezing in extreme conditions
A reduction in costly maintenance and operational down time
An extended lifespan for the turbine blades
A greater ROI for stakeholders and other investors
Some initial operational down time requiered in order to retro fit the system to an existing wind turbine design
Specification Title Specification Description
Can be retro fitted or incorporated in to a new turbine design process.
Areas of application
Wind turbines.
Air edge can be used in the most extreme weather conditions.
Research has shown a 47% decrease in erosion rate through our CFD analysis.
Air Edge prevents the turbines from freezing and protects the blades from erosion.


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Technology Readiness Level

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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Ogab® are a UK based research and development company specialising in aerodynamics and sustainable technology for the transport and energy industries.

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