AIM data®

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Deployed by 1 company

Online Asset Integrity Data Software made by Integrity Engineers for Integrity Engineers

Page last modified
April 11 2024

Integrity Data Management System (IDMS) made from our direct experience with the actual plant integrity data workflow. Multi-user, role based engine deployed online and accessible worldwide from any device with a web browser and internet connection (fast site to office data exchange). Data entry, acceptance/rejection, filtering, trending, charting, analysis aids and paperless reporting faciliated by the unclogged and ergonomic interface (our registered design). Emphasis on data security implemented through elegant strategic measures. Cost effective solution for a range of industries

Pros & Limitations
Integrity Data Management System (IDMS) software, traditionally deployed locally at client networks, is upgraded to a secure multi-user and multi-client www portal
Appropriate assignment of user roles and access rights, thus enabling a safe and instant data transmission between parties (e.g. site to office)
AIM data® can be accessed securely from any device with a web browser and internet connection (incl. mobiles).
Integrity Inspection data management documents workflow is replaced by relevant IT data controls according to user role with 'paperless reporting', which can be printed if required
Commercial software usually bound to a single analysis methodology (often API-581) is replaced by a flexible Risk Based Inspection (RBI) planning database which supports virtually any analysis methods
Integrity data spreadsheets are replaced by scalable MySQL databases, which able to store huge amounts of data and retrieve the required data (e.g. inspection readings) instantly according to user criteria
Complex data entry interfaces replaced by our ergonomic and intuitive interface of collapsible HTML controls to de-clog the computer screen and speed up the data entry (registered design)
Our portal doesn't hold any sensitive documents (reports, drawings) but rather links their names to client computer network or local files, which links are only working at those client/contractor computers
This is the only software which fully supports and facilitates our fully probabilistic integrity analysis methodologies (CoRBI® and WholePro®) intended to create a more confident asset integrity future
This software doesn't automate ALL (RBI etc.) calculations, but only those most routine and frequent analysis formulae
The system doesn't store any documents (files), but stores local links to them, latter only working on the data originator computers
Specification Title Specification Description
Can be accessed by registered users from any devices with a web browser and Internet connection (fast site to office data exchange), worldwide accessible secure web server
Multi-role multi-user system which mimics an actual workflow of integrity inspection data approval, follow-up requests, review and integrity analysis. Flexible roles - you choose who does what
Automates routine data entry, visualisation and analysis tasks thereby drastically reducing the time and effort of the parties involved in integrity engineering, especially at large plants
Data Analysis
Supports virtually any analysis methodology and facilitates a multi-level (risk based) approach to equipment integrity. Risk analysis is done by end clients/contractors to ensure flexibility
Paperless reporting (and inspection data entry). Dynamically generated reporting for the data review and analysis activities - pdf reports can be saved and printed on local computers
Implementation time
One business day to create your logins and company specific database | Customisation to your specific needs is feasible (damage other than corrosion, industry other than oil gas) may take much longer time and can be estimated on a case-by-case basis
Areas of Application
Any industry/plant where large amounts of equipment integrity data are collected and stored
Original ergonomic and de-clogged interface not requiring a formal user training. Short video tours will be sufficient for integrity personnel to familiarize with the system.
Safe operating
Built from strategic decisions for data security. Strong authentication and modern practices of web database protection implemented (input and output filtering, no Java script, etc.)
The interface is a registered design by our company


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Development Technology demonstration Mature / Proven
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Asset Integrity R&D and innovation. Unique probabilistic methods for plant design choices, operational integrity control, clear safety compliance and asset management. Small business consultancy accessible worldwide via our web portal. Oil & gas and more.

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