Magnetic Separation Technology saves $390,000 per year

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Process Equipment
Process Engineering

We know that talent increases profitability. But when finding talent is difficult and supply chain issues are adding constant pressure, technology can accomplish the same.

Black Powder Solutions (BPS) removes contamination from hydrogen, biofuels, natural gas pipelines, and reduces methane leakage: that means cleaner fuels with way less emissions. BPS rewrites the script with innovative technology that positively influences multiple business pillars. It’s patented radial field magnetic separation technology is predictive, proactive and automated. 

One of our customers, a midstream operator installed a BPS magnetic separator in line before the traditional filter skid to improve the quality of the condensate and reduce the consumption and negative environmental impact of the single-use filters. The BPS magnetic separator cleaned the black powder contamination from the condensate down to and below 1μ in size with high efficiency (see analysis).  

Significant Benefits:

  • Improved quality resulted in higher revenue
  • Reduced consumption and costly disposal of filters, unlocking savings of up to $390,000 yearly on average.
  • Reduced erosion of pipelines, meters and pumps.

ESG benefits:  

  • Reduced coalescer element consumption and disposal
  • Improved environmental footprint
  • Reduced opportunity for injury

See the photo below, visit and contact Paul Tompkins at [email protected]

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